EDDB STAR/APPR conflict, unable to fly STAR

Hello, recently I have been flying the FBW A32NX to EDDB with AIRAC 2106 rev.4 and I am having trouble following the STAR and APPR procedures. In this case I was trying to fly the NUK25L STAR followed by the ILS 25L approach, however, I am finding it impossible to program the aircraft to fly the STAR:

Upon further investigation with MSFS’s flight planner, I found whenever I select an approach it will overwrite the STAR or sometimes make weird combinations of the two, this is true for all 4 runways:
NUK25L with no selected approach:


I have reorganized my content.xml file and moved the navigraph line to the bottom of the file following the guides, the issue was still not fixed. I am using aerosoft’s EDDB addon but this problem also occurs using the default airport, so I don’t think its the addon’s issue:

Using default MSFS navdata, I found there are no STARs available to select; however, the approach to the runways contained parts of the STARs, this might have something to do with the problem?

Any ideas on what is the problem here and how to fix it?


Hi Tom,
first of all welcome here in our forum.

Sorry that I have no better news for your first question, but this is a limit in the in-game flight management. This flight management is very, very limited and buggy and not really useful. Specially when you want to use transitions because ASOBO has simple forgotten it. Therefore you can’t select an approach and the corresponding transition to it.

That has nothing todo with the data, if you have installed our data or not. Exactly the same happens with the stock data. The difference is only (as you have figured out), our data are really worldwide from one source and not a mix of many sources and partly incomplete.

Sorry, but in this case we can’t do nothing. We must wait, till ASOBO has fixed this. Sorry for that


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