Drawing straight lines on charts - suggestions for VFR tools

Hi folks,
Thanks so much to Navigraph for adding the annotation feature. As we have been asked explicitly to open a new topic when we have other suggestions to this feature, this is what I would love to see in further developments:

A function to draw these highlighter lines as straight lines (for example while pressing a specific key) as you have in some graphics editors, if possible with the magnetic direction showing as well.

This would be a great tool for planning and executing VFR flights.


  • shorthauler
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Hello! Welcome to our forum!

You seem to have read that we want new topics for each feature, but it seems like you have included three different features in this topic - only one of which is a new request. Just keep that in mind in the future, we still appreciate the feedback!

There is already a broad, yellow-colored pen option. However, this can’t be used on the map! For that feature, please see this topic: Annotating/drawing on the enroute map

Please see this existing topic: Add a distance/bearing ruler

This is a great suggestion, and I would like to ask that you either:

  • Edit this topic to make this the main (only) feature request
  • Create a new topic dedicated tho this feature request

Kind Regards,

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Fantastic ideas, EXACTLY what I was looking for when searched on this forum.
The annotations from Navigraph are a great addition and I applaud them.
But having had a stroke and no longer able to write by hand I was adding a straight line tool to my wish list.

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