Not only are your data messing up the simulator, and I’m paying 10 bucks a month for your NavData, but I also believe I shouldn’t have to dig deep into your forum to find a solution to my problem. You can’t even bother to provide proper technical support with ticketing, and on top of that, you blame me for the issue.
That has nothing todo with our data. This tool is designed by ASOBO/MS to set the correct prio’s of the packages in the sim.
So, this is a part of the MSFS and not our part. Sorry.
PS: and by the way, we don´t know which 3rd party scenery for LFTH you use … as an example: I have looked into the LFTH scenery from and in this scenery, the delete-tag is completely missing and therefore the scenery doesn´t overwrite any possible existing runway - in this case it´s a scenery issue but not a navdata issue. When you are using the AzurPoly LFTH scenery, this scenery works as expected because this scenery delete possible existing runways and overwrite the runway with the own.