Dispatch Redirect Guide


This topic describes how to redirect to the SimBrief Dispatch System with all of the desired flight options auto-filled for the user.

How it Works

This is accomplished by including the desired parameters in the redirect URL. Using this method, developers can auto-fill as many or as few of the dispatch options as they’d like. For example, suppose a Virtual Airline (“ABC Virtual Airlines”) operated the following flight:

Flight: ABC1234
Aircraft: B738
Origin: KORD
Destination: KSFO
Departure: 1630Z
Time Enroute: 4:30

If the VA wanted to offer a SimBrief flight plan for this flight, they could insert the following link into their flight schedule:


There are no guidelines on how the link should be formatted, but one suggested format would be to format it with SimBrief’s logo. For example:

<a href="https://dispatch.simbrief.com/options/custom?airline=ABC&fltnum=1234&type=B738&orig=KORD&dest=KSFO&deph=16&depm=30&steh=4&stem=30" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.simbrief.com/previews/sblogo_small.png"></a>

A pilot following this link will arrive at the Dispatch Options page with their flight data already filled in! Note how the parameters of the flight are passed along in the link. Almost every Dispatch Option can be specified in this way; VAs who simulate an entire fleet can specify the Aircraft Registration and VAs with preferred routes can even specify the route to be used.

Note that this link does not bypass the system’s login page. A user must be logged in in order to arrive at the Dispatch Options page, if they are not they will be shown the login screen before proceeding to the dispatch system.

Dispatch Options

Dispatch Option Parameter Example Value 1, Example Value 2
Airline airline ABC
Flight Number fltnum 1234
Aircraft type B738
Origin orig KORD
Destination dest KSFO
Date date 11JUL13
Departure Time (Hour) deph 16
Departure Time (Minute) depm 30
Scheduled Time (Hour) steh 4
Scheduled Time (Minute) stem 30
Aircraft Registration reg N123XX
Aircraft Fin Number fin 123
Aircraft SELCAL selcal XXXX
Passengers pax 100
Alternate altn KLAX
Number of Alternates altn_count 4
Avoid Alternates altn_avoid KBDL KALB
Alternate # 1-4 Ident altn_#_id KBOS
Alternate # 1-4 Runway altn_#_rwy 22R
Alternate # 1-4 Route altn_#_route MERIT ROBUC3
Takeoff Alternate toaltn KBOS
Enroute Alternate eualtn KBDL
Altitude fl 34000, FL340
Captain’s Name cpt JOHN DOE
ID Number pid 12345
Fuel Factor fuelfactor P00
Manual ZFW manualzfw 40.1
Extra Fuel addedfuel 5
Cont Fuel contpct 0.05
Reserve Fuel resvrule 45
Taxi Out (Minutes) taxiout 10
Taxi In (Minutes) taxiin 4
Cargo Weight cargo 5.0
Departure Runway origrwy 06L
Arrival Runway destrwy 36R
Climb Profile climb 250/300/78
Descent Profile descent 84/280/250
Cruise Profile cruise LRC, CI
Cost Index civalue 25, AUTO
Callsign callsign ABC1234
Dispatch Remarks manualrmk TEST REMARK, MULTILINE\nREMARK
Static ID static_id ABC_123
Aircraft Data acdata {“cat”:“M”,“equip”:“SDE3FGHIRWY”,
“extrarmk”:“DAT/V RVR/250 RMK/EXAMPLE”,
Plan Format planformat LIDO
Units units LBS or KGS
Detailed Navlog navlog 1 or 0 (1 enables, 0 disables)
ETOPS Planning etops 1 or 0 (1 enables, 0 disables)
Plan Stepclimbs stepclimbs 1 or 0 (1 enables, 0 disables)
Runway Analysis tlr 1 or 0 (1 enables, 0 disables)
Include NOTAMs notams 1 or 0 (1 enables, 0 disables)
FIR NOTAMs firnot 1 or 0 (1 enables, 0 disables)
Auto-Insert SID/STAR find_sidstar 1 or 0 (1 enables, 0 disables)
Flight Maps maps detail, simple, or none