I have a issue with the fs2020, the airport charts, gates and taxiway are different to the game flight simulator 2020 and navigraph?
When i do a flight plan and download to fs2020 the flight plan is different, why?
How i could find a solution?
first of all welcome here in our forum and thanks for your posting …
Currently it´s not really possible to update the gates and taxiways/signs for existing airports in the sim. There are a lot of limitations and we must wait till ASOBO opens the possibility to update such information too.
Due the lack on information from your posting, which flightplanner do you use a general answer. When you create a flightplan outside the WorldMap, than:
be sure, that the flightplanner uses the same AIRAC version and also from the same data-provider. The stock data are a mix of NavBlue and currently FAA data (possible ASOBO adds more freeware data in the future) and therefore you will not really find a flightplanner with this mixed setting. So, be sure, that you use a unique datasource
when you have loaded the external flightplan in the sim, avoid to change anything in the worldmap. The reason is, whenever you make a change in the WorldMap the sim re-create the flightplan immediately. This is a “feature” from ASOBO and has nothing todo with the navdata. The same will be happened when you don´t use our data. So, please avoid to change anything in the WorldMap after your have loaded your external flightplan.
Sorry, but that´s all limitation, which can only be handled by MS/ASOBO …
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