Hi there,
i tried the Navigraph 1.0.0-beta23 some time ago and i want do deinstall it because i want to use the newest version. Something went wrong and now i cant install or deinstall the Beta-Version anymore. The folder does not exist anymore. Can anyone help?
You have deleted the folder b yourself, without using the normal uninstall routine. Therefore you get this message now. I would rry to install the beta 23 again in the same folder.
As Ian wrote beta 23 is the newest one …
@Ian : The Navigraph navdata software isn’t installed on my computer anymore (so i can not remove the old airac cycle by clicking the button in the software), but the software gets shown on the deinstallation page as shown in my first post.
@NAVDataOld : correct, i deinstalled the software without the windows deinstallation routine. Now i’m stuck. Because i can not reinstal the beta 23 version again “Installation Aborted” “Setup was not completed successfully”
Is there a way to get the files back in any way without the installer? maybe a “unziped” version that i can put into the directory manually? Seems like my deinstallation has not cleared all links in the background and my computer is thinking the software is still installed.