New to Navigraph. AIRAC not updating. XP11 11.55 (using zibo mod)

I’m a new user to Navigraph . Ran FMS data downloader. Auto mapping picked up XP11 (11.50+) and 124thATC (v2+). Got the green indication for latest cycle (2402 rev 1) download for both. Custom data folder for xp11 shows an old cycle and NavData folder for 124thATC is empty. And, of course, FMC shows cycle out of date msg in scratch pad.

Watched the videos, read the manual, looked at the FAQ and did an broad internet search. I figure I better reach out before I get in trouble mixing up files. I figure I’m missing something basic as everything so far seems intuitive.

Can someone help? Tx.

first of all, welcome in the Navigraph family :wink:

To you topic/question/issue - here a short checklist:

  • check if you have the latest version of the FMS Data Manager:
    Open the FMS Data Manager → goto the Settings page and the chech Software-Version - it should be v1.8.14.0130

When this is not the case, please un-install the FMS Data Manager, download the latest version from the webpage (here) and install it again. In your case, it´s important to un-install your current version that all mappings and settings will be also removed.

  • check, if the X-Plane root path is set correctly in the FMS Data Manager:
    Open the FMS Data Manager → goto the Settings page, scroll down to the Paths and check the X-Plane 11 path

  • check the x-plane_install_11.txt file in your app-local user folder:
    Open the windows file-explorer and enter %LOCALAPPDATA% in the taskbar, srcoll up/down till you find the file x-plane_install_11.txt → open this file with a simple notepad/text-editor and check the path again. It should be the same as in the FMS Data Manager

Here, the content of this file:

One additional question:
Do you have multiple XP11 versions on your machine or only one? You will see this in the x-plane_install_11.txt file - when you have only one entry you have only one installation, do you see multiple entries/lines you have (or had more).

Please check the points above and let us know the result. I´m pretty sure, that we will find the “culprit” on your system :wink:


Hi Richard,

Thank you for the quick reply and detailed instructions. Still having the issue, however, here is something of interest I came across while going through your checklist (I’m running the latest version of FMS Data manager and only one version of x-plane 11 with correct path in the x-plane_11.txt file):

When I start FMS Data manager, I’m presented with “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device”… I select yes (certificate is valid).

In FMS Data Manager\settings, the paths for both xp11 and xp12 show as correct (both are installed under the original Steam directory structure). However when I click on the folder button at the right of the path, I am shown the path to Navigraph\FMS data manager

So, I change the path. to point to the correct location… I drill down to the correct path that was shown before clicking the folder button, highlight the xp11.exe file and click ok. I’m back on the setting page and the correct path is showing for xp11 (same as before). I click on the folder button again, path is also correct. I click save (top right of FMS Data manager) and I get the “setting have saved message”. Note: changing the path for xp11 also changes the path for xp12 (registers as the xp11 path) and vice versa (when I change xp12’s path and go back to look at xp11’s path, the xp12 path appears). I make sure xp11 shows the correct path before I proceed.

I close FMS manager and restart. Look at paths. Paths are showing correct but the path under the folder icon reverted to the Navigraph path as if nothing was saved before closing last session. Back to original observation.

I change the path again and try updating the navdata cycle thinking it might work. The xp11\custom data show the correct date and time of creation for the CFID folder all other files (index, dat, txt) show old dates. The cycle_info.txt file content shows the correct cycle (2402). So, fair to assume, the update worked if I freshly enter the path in the FMS manager every time I open the app. Note: 124th ATC Nav Data is still empty. I presume nothing is updated there because, like the default path for xp11, manual updating would be needed. It’s like the FMS Data manager cannot write/save/retrieve the info (maybe related to allowing app to make change to the device prompt I get every time I start FMS Data manager?).

Then, I start xp11 and take a look at the FMS and see “Nav data out of date” in the scratch pad and cycle date is indeed an old cycle.

I tried running FMS Data manager as administrator, same issue (I have to reenter the path using the folder icon despite path shown being correct).

Hope this helps troubleshoot further. Thank you for your assistance. Looking forward to next suggested steps. Cheers,


Forgot to include pics…

Original path show by default after running mapping show as correct for both xp11 and xp12:

Content of x-plane install.txt:



Hi again,
thank you very much for your answer and also the screenshots. All looks good so far …

May I ask two additional things:

  1. There is an file called setting.index in the C:\ProgramData\FMSManager folder. Please can you open this file and can you check if the XP11/12 path is/are also correct in this file?

  2. When you go into the Steam XP11 folder and here in the Custom data folder, do you have any files there? Can you upload a screenshot of this folder please?

Thank you very much and thanks for your help

while waiting for your comments, I experimented some more…

I deleted the content of xp11\custom data. then,

I deleted the content of …\xp11\resources\default data and ran the file integrity check from Steam. Missing files were identified as missing and xp11 reloaded them. Files date and time show today and correct time of creation.

I ran xp11 and FMS shows the default 2018 cycle. All good and as expected so far.

Before running FMS data manager, I lowered the User Accnt Control settings (windows control panel\User accnts) to the lowest setting in order to avoid the “do you want this app to make changes to your device” and started the app. Default path were correct (xp11 and xp12). I checked the folder tab button and as per earlier observation, it points to Navigaph path. I did not change anything, cancelled and ran the update for xp11.

Cycle 2402 files were copied to the correct location (…xp11\custom data) and then started xp11 (confirmed - default data cycle 2018 is in default folder and current cycle 2402 is in custom data folder).

Now I’m getting “nav data out of date”, Nav Data shows 2402, good until 21 Feb. Now I’m really confused, thinking I was getting the current, valid cycle until 21 March 2024. Am I missing anything here?


As for 124th ATC (I’m running version 2.0-a61), FMS Data manager did download the files but they were copied in the xp11\resources\plugins directory (see below), not plugins\124thATC\navdata folder. So, something not working there either.

Hope that this helps pin point the issue. Thank you for the assistance again,


Hi Richard,

Just saw your reply after I posted my other attempts. The Custom Data folder was deleted and FMS Data manager update was selected. New content after FMS data manger:

As for C:\ProgramData\FMSManager folder… none present. Closest thing is a Navigraph folder.

Not sure if it matters but all my Steam apps are on my D: drive.



Hi again,

Out of curiosity, I started the Laminar Research default 737:

Good data, no error message (pic above). So, issue seems to be specific to ZIBO MOD with mixed up data!?

With 124th ATC… I have no idea why the 2402 cycle load in the plugins root folder vs the 124thATC\navdata folder.

Still haven’t found the setting.index as it relates to FMSManager and of course, as mentioned earlier, there is no C:\ProgramData\FMSManager.

Over to you : )

Hi Karl,

Please make sure you have the latest Zibo Mod version as per UNABLE to update AIRAC cycle - #9 by Ian


Hi Ian,

Sounds good, I’ll check which version of Zibo I’m running and will report back in the morning.

Any idea regarding 124th ATC nav data being copied into the root plugins folder and the non existent setting.index file as it relates to FMSManager (no C:\ProgramData\FMSManager). Should I reinstall FMS Data manager as well?

Thank you,


Good day,

I uninstalled and did a clean install of the Zibo using the latest rev 4_00_rc5.7. I’m happy to report the FMS shows the correct AIRAC cycle (updated using FMS data manager).

However, the 124th ATC update using the latest FMS data manager still loads the NAV DATA in the root plugins folder of xp11 (not 124th ATC\nav data). Any ideas?

Thank you,


Hi Karl,
I have looked into the documentation of 124th ATC and indeed, they had changed the navdata location without given us a note of this. Sorry for that.

Here, from the userguide of 124th ATC - we hadn´t know it, sorry:

We will change this in our setup for the next cycle. In the meantime as a workaround:

  1. close your XP11
  2. open a command-prompt (if possible as admin)
  3. enter following copy-statement into the command window and change
    xcopy "D:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Custom Data\*.dat" "D:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\124thATC64\navdata"
  4. after the copy process is finished from #3 enter a second copy statement:
    xcopy "D:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Custom Data\CIFP\*.dat" "D:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\124thATC64\navdata\CIFP"

You should be fine then - start XP11 and look if you now have the latest cycle installed …

PS: you can copy and paste the copy statements - I have still created it with your path-settings, so the statement should be fine for your system.


Hi Richard,

Thank you for the detailed instructions. Very helpful.

I had figured out that I could copy between the folders manually. Just taken aback by the auto update of FMS data manager not working as intended and thinking it was a setup issue on my side. Glad we were able to find a fix that will help others.

Here is some insight from a new user to FMS data manager going trough your instructions: I could not figure out why I was not able to redirect 124th ATC path to the proper folder using FMS data manager (kept getting copies into the root plugins directory). Unlike the XP11, one cannot redefine where to install the nav data for 124th ATC plugin after letting the automatic function do the mapping when starting FMS manager for the first time.

After reinstalling and selecting NO to letting the app find paths automatically, only then the +add (and delete buttons) were available in FMS data manager. Not sure if that was a glitch on my side only but once the ADD button was available, I was able to set the correct path for a manual install in 124th ATC and delete the one that was mapped automatically. The instruction provided in FMS data manager for manual install was helpful, what it did not say is, once you don’t do it as part of the initial start, you will not have the add and delete buttons going forward.

All is good now. Many thanks for the quick help you provided.



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