Data manager feelthere embraer 195

The autodetect found the following path. “P35\FEELTHER\ND"
ND file is empty.
Suggested path.:Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FeelthereEjets\Feelthere\ND” (this from another forum)

I also can’t find which Airac version is running. (More a Feelthere issue)

Any ideas appreciated.


Make sure you have the correct P3D path set in Settings . This where you find Prepare3D.exe.

Detected path in Addon Mappings should then be <P35>\FeelThere\Nd . Note FeelThere, not FeelTher as you had.


\FeelThere\Nd . Note FeelThere is the path I had. (Bar the typo) The ND directory is empty

Please post screenshot of P3d path in Settings:


Please post screenshot of P3d path in Settings:


Sorry, is this the one?

In the interests of getting you going, please try Manual downloads:


Thanks David, looks to be working. I will do a flight now and confirm all good tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience,

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