Cycle 2204 Rev 1 - YSHL/YWOL

Hi there,

I used Navigraph FMS Data Manager to update X-Plane, and all seems to have worked, except that Shellharbour Airport (YSHL) has not been applied correctly.

This airport was renamed with the code changing from YWOL to YSHL. I am sure this in the Nav Data, as when I look in the Custom Data/CIFP folder, I can see that there is a YSHL.dat file, but YWOL.dat does not exist (compared with when I look in the Resources/default data/CIFP folder, YWOL.dat exists, but YSHL.dat doesn’t).

When I try to load this using the flight displays, only YWOL selects the airport (instead of YSHL), and no procedures are available (even though they do exist, and did before the update, although they were incorrect as the waypoints have no changed for the RNP approach, etc).

Could you please advise how I can “force” x-plane to accept the update when seems to be there, but it isn’t recognising?

Thanks for your help with this!

as you see correctly, yes it´s in our database with the correct ICAO code but the main point is, that X-Plane doesn´t know anything about it because the airport-scenery will not be updated thru the AIRAC cycles. This part will be done by X-Plane … the file what you see YSHL.dat is the terminal procedure only file - no other information are included in this file.

The ICAO change must be reported to X-Plane please, we can´t do anything for that.

Thank you,

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