Cruise profiles in BE58

Selecting different cruise profiles doesn’t seem to have any impact on fuel consumption calculated by simbrief. Judging by what can you see in POH for BE58 there should be 11-23% difference in fuel consumption when comparing 24.5/2500 and 20.5/2100 profiles depending on altitude.
Here are my calculations:
20.5/2100: 10.6 GPH / 167 kts = 6.347 gal/100nm
24.5/2500: 15.6 GPH / 200 kts = 7.800 gal/100nm
Diff = +22.89%

20.5/2100: 10.7 GPH / 174 kts = 6.149 gal/100nm
24.5/2500: 13.6 GPH / 195 kts = 6.974 gal/100nm
Diff = +13,42%

20.5/2100: 9.4 GPH / 167 kts = 5.629 gal/100nm
24.5/2500: 11.8 GPH / 189 kts = 6.243 gal/100nm
Diff = +10,91%


You need to enable the “Detailed Navlog” option for accurate fuel calculations:

Best regards,

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