Not sure if there is already a profile that compares to this aircraft that I can use for now, if so I am happy to use that if someone can point me in right direction. If there is not a profile currently that compares then I would like to please request one be created for the C414.
Also requesting Cessna 414AW. The Baron 58 profile is sadly not close. Generated FP’s are always under 10,000ft cruise alt using SimBrief. For a pressurized twin with a ceiling of 30,000ft. Therefore fuel calculations are also way off, as are trip/climb/descent times.
I’d like this profile to be added as well so we dont have to mess around selecting other profiles that do not directly match as it has problems when i do this with my virtual airline I am with.
I think Grolsche did not mean the profile but the base type of aircraft.
I also think it’d be indeed nice to have the C414 as a base type of aircraft on simbrief.
Profiles that are created with the BE58 as a base type are unfortunately very inaccurate as others already have reported.
Climb performances, engine power, service ceiling and other things are just too different from the baron 58.
So as said, it’d be much apreciated by many people to have this added.
PS: I’m part of the flysimware test team. so if you need any information about the aircraft, just ping me. I’ll be able to get it.