Why can't we make our own climb/cruise/descent profiles?

It seems rather silly that we have to wait for SimBrief to add new profiles at their leisure. The longitude in MSFS cruises at M.84 but it seems to be completely impossible to use this value in simbrief. There’s no way to edit the performance profiles of an airframe.

Hello, thanks for reaching out, I have sent in this request.


I have a Beechcraft/Textron Baron BE58 profile entered into my SimBrief ‘hangar’. All I did was edit, then rename, an existing Cesna 310 profile which was already there (where that came from, I don’t know, certainly not from me!), What I then do is fly it and check out the fuel consumption. I then compared this with the POH derived fuel performance figures for the same flight plan. With this comparison I then used the fuel flow adjustment within SimBrief unti I reproduced the same result.

One problem is that SimBrief works to the nearest 0.1 tonnes, whereas I wish to work in kgs. The summary page is already selected to kgs as I use metric hybrid figures. This means the fuel-to-go figure for each leg has to be worked out manually (using a kgs/min figure derived from above) and replace the SimBrief figure generated.

This works for me. and gives me a workable SimBrief flight plan.

simBrief already has a BE58 base profile you can use.

Which OFP format are you using? The LIDO format should use single-kg (or single-lb) precision when the MTOW of the aircraft does not exceed 10,000 kgs (resp. lbs).



Thanks for that. I have been using the Cirrus OFP format so will look at LIDO.

Sorry, I meant on simBrief (there is no OFP layout named “Cirrus” on simBrief) :wink:



Whoops - I should have said the BAW profile ( i.e. British Airways). This is actually a Cirrus flight plan format and is so named in the top paragraph on the first, “Summary”, page .

There’s also the Air Berlin that’s (IIRC) always single-kg/lb precision.

