Could Not Connect to SIM

Hi, Have for many years used one comp (comp1)for the sim (latest XPbeta) and one comp (comp2)for navigraph
Now it only working for, lats say 10 minutes , then i get Could Not Connect to SIM
Restarting comp2 dont help, not any conection on ipad naither,
so problem must be on comp1 --sim computer,
removed and installed latest verison of navigraph… no go
tested new xp-11 install-- no go
tested new verison on comp2 no go
all antivirus and firewall off, no go
need some help and tips here…


Hello Tore! Welcome to the new forum.

Sounds like you’ve done some thorough troubleshooting yourself! In order for me to efficiently find a solution, I would greatly appreciate if you could provide the logs from the Simlink application.

If you are using Windows OS, you will be able to find them at C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Navigraph\Simlink\logs or by following the below steps:

  1. Press ⊞ Win+R
  2. Enter %appdata%/Navigraph/Simlink/logs
  3. Press enter

Please attach the relevant (latest) logs to your next post and I’ll do my best to assist you!


flight started about 10.50, all functioning well
at about 11.45 comp 2 with the mooving map lost connection to xp_sim computer
reset of pc2 NO GOOD

X-Plane 11_20210113114326_log.txt (728 KB)

The log you provided does not contain data for the time that you are mentioning. I am not sure why, but if possible could you please try uploading any other logs created just before the one you already posted?

Thanks for your cooperation!


got the this message, just when i lost contact,
[2021-01-13 11:47:08] Status: 0; Last error: 183

and in the other logg at the same time. dont it tell anything ??
2021-01-13 10:47:08] [] [DEBUG] Function_Call:RESTUtilities::_post[[]{“aircraft”:{“altitude”:24,“position”:{“latitude”:62.558945,“longitude”:6.11391},“speed”:{“gs”:0,“ias”:0,“tas”:0},“squawk”:0,“status”:{“bank”:0,“magnetic_heading”:0,“pitch”:0,“true_heading”:0},“vertical_speed”:0},“command”:null,“iscreatedby_user”:true,“platform”:{“os”:{“family”:“osx”},“simlink”:{“version”:“”},“simulator”:{“family”:“X-Plane”}}}][eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjA0X3JsNjNvV2ZBSVc3WEd4UWUzQzVEY3dkTSIsImtpZCI6IjA0X3JsNjNvV2ZBSVc3WEd4UWUzQzVEY3dkTSJ9.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.jovXlXlDYcWefPT85N5vP33skUKg6WsHAI5_houkac3p9WsVU9zzU77-T0ei24o873uslv3nUhNV5OGFOsbTT_dUDI158jxGaQ5rpHG5M3kK314SpyUZCKuLr9NJ83ZfWo3jY_FC3qBu7TAYBvgKoqilazZm_BXj3qD3ZXj6THeXzme3H0MZzTmflG7_hplTHDrQi7A1RdOuBwoOF88lzC2gZ2BuSrzjiGilVV_duduX_p_ClZMp6LTo8BKOpO9VK2zkfL0iKM1am87oYXL1STSRv0YzNb93hZJJAHxQNWw_cH5bP4Jo1KwkuRNZYFz_bwgGo2o6ZkUK32DKqyIKUQ][application/json][POST]
[2021-01-13 10:47:08] [] [DEBUG] Function_Recived:RESTUtilities::_post[{“aircraft”:{“altitude”:24,“position”:{“latitude”:62.558945,“longitude”:6.11391},“speed”:{“gs”:0,“ias”:0,“tas”:0},“squawk”:0,“status”:{“bank”:0,“magnetic_heading”:0,“pitch”:0,“true_heading”:0},“vertical_speed”:0},“command”:null,“iscreatedby_user”:true,“platform”:{“os”:{“family”:“osx”},“simlink”:{“version”:“”},“simulator”:{“family”:“X-Plane”}},“created”:1610531277832,“created_by”:“54d17db5-2786-4b1f-9e94-c1ce20934b9b”,“created_by_username”:“fretei”}]

Please try the following steps:

  1. Quit the simulator completely
  2. Quit the Simlink application completely
  3. Start the simulator ONLY

Please verify that that the Simlink application is then started automatically when the simulator is running.


Yes it starts just fine, and thats the big q ; why does it work ok for about 30 min ?? and does the same newt time i start the sim


That is unexpected, we are investigating!

The document that you shared is not public, please share a public link or download the document and attach it to your next post.


Funnet noen løsning enda,
Hadde samme problem i går,
Funker ca 30 min
Then mister kontakten


tor. 14. jan. 2021, 10:06 skrev skysail via Navigraph <>:

We are still investigating. Would you be able to share the log you sent earlier publicly so that I can view it? That way we would have a greater chance of figuring out the issue.


How would you like it, on facebook. ??

tir. 19. jan. 2021, 10:12 skrev skysail via Navigraph <>:

You could attach the log to your next reply. Just drag-and-drop the log to the reply or press the image button.

Thank you for your cooperation!


Dont know if it matters, but im runing vulkan

tir. 19. jan. 2021, 12:37 skrev Tore Eilertsen <>:

It shouldn’t matter, but thanks for the extra information! Please attach the file that I mentioned earlier as an attachment to the email, that way the file will be available for me to download and inspect.


Just sendt you 4 logfiles
Dlog and txt files in simlink. Log directory

tir. 19. jan. 2021, 13:43 skrev skysail via Navigraph <>:

Where have you sent them? If possible, please visit the forum and drag-and-drop the files to a new reply. So far, I have not received any logs.

I also requested access to the locked file you sent earlier, perhaps you now get an email where you can allow access?


just answered your mail, and atached files can upload on forum, files to big max 4k
no go on ziping

if you want you can get access to my pc and check i out via some remote thing

Sure, let’s do that! A Navigraph developer has contacted you in a PM.
