Coordinates don't appear

Hello, I ran into an issue where coordinates would not appear on the flight plan in the FMC as well as error shown on Little Navmap. I have the latest data installed on both platforms.

The only common factor for both programs is Navigraph data, therefore I am posting here for any help possible.

The waypoints are supposed to be S34E100 progressing westbound along the Indian Ocean.

from where are the flightplan? Can you upload it here? Normally such geo-waypoints are not part of the AIRAC updates possible that is the reason.


Thanks for your prompt response as always. The FP was generated using SimBrief, and I have attached the FS2020 format below.

The flight plan was imported into the FMC via a SB importer integration and skipped every one of the coordinates while keeping the rest of the route intact. Upon loading it into Little Navmap I got the error displayed in the screenshot, however, the positions appeared on the moving map.


YPPHFAOR_MFS_17Jun21.pln (11.2 KB)

Thanks - ok, the coordinates are included in the flightplan, so my assumption is, that the sim skipped these waypoints because they are not included. Normally, such waypoints will be calculated by the FMC … not in this case, it looks like.

I will think about it how we can handle this in the future - possible we find a workaround of this sim limitation. Not clear, why the sim truncate the route even when they are coordinates in the flightplan but it is at it is … sorry for now, we have no solution for that. I will think about it …


Thank you. Yes, this appears to be another sim limitation with MsFS. While it would be a massive undertaking, including all half coordinates as waypoints in the database could alleviate this issue. I am not familiar with how closely Asobo is willing to work with you, but, perhaps letting them know of this limitation could help as bug reports from end users like me rarely get looked at.

Thank again for your help. Cheers.