Continuing on with my P3D Carenado database not loading

Hi again, a mentioned in a previous post I had to leave this problem while I went away for work.
And of course the Navigraph system closes the thread after 7 days. Frustrating…
Here is the link to the old thread.

Can’t see Navigraph Dbase in either Xplane 12 or P3D - Navigation Data / General non MSFS data - Navigraph

So to answer your question:

"Can you confirm, that your P3D root installation (this is the folder where you find the execution file for P3D - the P3D.exe ) is on C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v6 ?

The answer is yes, the Prepare3D.exe file is located as you described. My screenshot showed that.
The add on is Carenado’s CE560XL. So where should I make Navigraph update to? Inside the Carenado CE560XL folder somewhere? Or just select that add on folder as the end destination?


Meantime I tried updating Navigraph to the Carenado CE560XL folder (see screenshot). Alas no change. The database still doesn’t load. I assume therefore that I should have updated Navigraph to a different folder within Carenado’s add on folder? Please advise…

Thanks again…

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