Charts Presentation Online and App

On my Charts app on Desktop the projection is squewed/tilted. Not so on the online version. Only on the application in Mac OS (Ventura 13.5.2.) on a MacbookPro (2022). How can I fix this?

Below Charts in the application

Below Charts on-line

Hello Martin! Welcome to the forum!

It looks like we made a mistake when publishing our latest iOS and iPadOS applications, making the app available for silicon macs as well. This is not intentional, and it is the reason why you are seeing this visual artefact.

Please download Navigraph Charts for macOS from our website instead, and the issue will be resolved!
You’ll find the downloads at

Kind Regards,

Thanks Malte but now a new problem occurs. I can not zoom in with the mouse anymore… I can’t verify if the old problem is gone now…

When I pinch i can zoom in and see now that the old problem still occurs.

Please help!

I see that in MacOs Update center still the iOs version is mentioned on my MacBook. Seems to me that is not a good thing. Version 8.29.1

Please uninstall any version of Navigraph Charts that is currently installed on your computer.
When done, please download it from this link and install it:

Scrolling should be totally possible in this version! The experience should be similar to that of

Great Scott, it worked :smiley:. Happy. Apparently there was another app installed named ‘’ in my applications folder. Same version. But the correct application retrieved from your dl link is called ‘navigraph’ and this is the correct app.

One last question: Is there a way to show satellite images in Nav Charts?

Thx again Malte

Happy to hear that it is resolved!

That is the one that was installed from the App Store, which should not be possible in the first place. We have now removed it from there, thanks for the feedback!

Not yet, but soon :wink:

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