I am exporting flight plan from Simbrief but Navigraph charts are not recognizing the ofp.
Help please
Have you generated the OFP at Simbrief. In Charts, when you press + New flight/From Simbrief , do you see the generated OFP details?
If still an issue, please post screenshots showing the issue using Guide to posting Screenshots
No, as stated previously all I see is a box stating that ‘My Name’ has no ofp from Simbrief, yet the pln., file IS available where I have exported and posted in the FSX plan files.
I am using P3Dv4.5.
I can send you a screenshot if you make this possible?
Did you actually press the Generate OFP button in Simbrief? You need to do this in order for our apps to detect it.
Stephen, thank you for emailing me with this problem.
Yes I did and it’s what I need to setup my FSL A320. It’s a wonderful program. It even compliments the ‘ATSU’ facility, too.
I have been with Navigraph ever since it became payware but only using the FMS section.
I am hoping we can resolve this?
Thank you for your concern.
Rgds., Dave.
Hi Dave,
Please check that your Simbrief username in Charts settings matches exactly that in Simbrief
That was it, Ian.
Changed my name with new Simbrief reg., and all good now.
Thank you so much for your help.
Hi Dave,
You are welcome. Glad it is resolved.
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