Charts Not Loading and/or Very Slow-Loading in PMDG

I keep a-clicking and they keep a-loadin’. What’s up with this? I am signed in to Navigraph. (And I mean on the PMDG EFB B737, the top menu Navigraph app works fine)

Also when I try to bring up charts in the PMDG EFB, it almost seems like the app buttons are doing everything they can to avoid bring up the chart I want to view. But it brings up everything contrary to this readily, instead. Kind of hard to explain. I click on departure “Ground Charts” and it goes to arrival STARS, or maybe back to the main menu. Very screwy interface, the PMDG EFB and Navigraph. Not sure if it’s PMDG or what…

When I tried in flight to reset my Navigraph data (thinking this was the problem), my FMC went haywire and I was unable to reprogram it leaving me with no FMC (I figured this might happen, lesson learned there, but lost a 4 hour flight halfway through)

But mainly, these charts just refuse to load or load very slowly.

And I find the new interface in the menu with Simbrief a no-working mess so I still use my old way. Great idea, just not working for me, likely more due to the usual unfixed Asobo UI menu glitches.


Hi Andrew,

In PMDG 737-800 v3.0.106 (readable on Ident Page in FMC)

In EFB General Preferences I sign in with Navigraph Authentication and SimBrief Alias

EFB Navigraph Charts, I select YMML DOSEL 1 SID and the Chart displays in about 3 seconds.

APT Chart 20-9 displayed in 2 seconds

In top Menu I was able to Request Data from Simbrief , which loaded in 3 seconds

You might check your internet connection say by connecting through a mobile hotspot.

In FMC i was able to do a Flight Plan request which loaded without error.

If still an issue, maybe reinstall PMDG 737-800 updating to latest.


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