Chart Error EDDL

ILS freq is wrong at rwy 05R.
On navigraph page 110,15 which is wrong according German AIP
Correct shoud be 111.50
There is also several holding pattern on IAL plates that are missing, and Mønchengladbach VOR/DME
Look at this:

When I switched to this freq. the ILS 05R was working ok


ED_AD_2_EDDL_4-2-2_en.pdf (581.1 KB)

110.15 IDSE as well.



Look at the corrected previous posting

Your corrected post shows a chart from 2013, that’s over 11 years ago. I provided the current chart (effective December 26, 2024 and onwards).

I am not sure where you check the “German AIP” but you need a new source.



Problem was that my P3dv4 and PMDG did not respond to that 110.15 ILS Freq.
I then went to the chart(Map) on P3d which said 111.50 for the ILS 05R when switched to this freq. ILS was working. I then just searched for approach RWY 05R EDDL and this came up. I did not checked the date as long as my ILS war operable on this freq.
It did not work on 110.15 Why, is there another explanation

The frequency probably changed recently and your P3D’s data is out of date.

You should be able to update P3D via this package: FSX/P3D Navaids update

Although my understanding is, it will be discontinued at some point in the near future.



Thanks for explanation

No it will not unless I die. What I have to change for personal and financial reasons is the frequency of updates (every 2-3 AIRAC cycles for FSX/P3Dv1-v4) but I expect still updating P3Dv5 on a monthly basis. More information here
Discontinuation of navigational updates