I’m trying to update AS to the latest 2409 airac and on pressing the update button in the Hub the download fails with an error message saying file permissions are needed tor the Navigraph data folder. All permissions for this folder ARE allowed and I’ve uninstalled and re-installed Active Sky just in case anything was amiss. The issue persists. I can’t update the airac.
please can you post the screenshot of the error message from the Hub?
Also, please can you post a screenshot of the folder permission?
I have just tested the update now and it works - so I assume any issue on your system somewhere.
Thank you,
as I have requested, please can you post the two screenshots with the folder permission too? The folder needs explicit the user permission (not for all user, or admin). Click on YOUR user-account please (in your case Edmund…)
Folder one: %localappdata%\Temp\Navigraph
Folder two: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\HiFi\AS_FS\NavigraphData
Thank you very much,
PS: by the way, you´re looking into the Roaming folder, but it should look into the Local folder. Please use the links above - thx
Folder One
Folder Two
Folder Two appears to be empty… Should be sub folders in there ?
Uninstalled AS_FS and re-installed again. Airac installed is 2303.
Thanks, the permission of both folder looks correct so far. When you install the MSFS cycle, you have no issues?
Yes, it should be sub folder in there, called AS
and in this folder should be the navdata files. Are this folder empty after your re-installation too?
MSFS cycle and all other addons update perfectly. Only issue seems to be with AS. The AS subfolder is there and the info text points correctly now to the 2303 cycle currently installed.
There are 4 text files in there with Navaids, Airports, Fixes and Routes. These obviously get installed by the AS installer as the cycle is not current, but the files do appear to be in the right place.
Why the Hub fails to extract the current data is a mystery, but it completely borks AS if it fails and the program becomes unusable. So until someone finds out what is going wrong, I suspect I’ll just have to make do with the old airac for now. I doubt it will have a great effect on the simulated weather, but I have opened a support ticket on the Hi Fi Zendesk. I will report back if anything comes to light.
HI @767737Jockey,
Try to delete the %localappdata%\Temp\Navigraph folder completely, it could be that there is a permission problem with a file within it. Hub will automatically recreate the folder. Also for extra caution, make sure that AS is not running when you are updating the cycle.
Please tell us how it goes. In case it fails again I have turned on extended logging for your account so that we might see from our side what is going wrong.
Kind regards,
Just to confirm the 2409 update is working fine here on the test machine.
Curious as to which AV/Security software is being used.
Thank you very much for your confirmation - we also have made some tests and all were negative. Additional, we have seen no other report here in the forum nor in our ticket-system. Therefore, it´s any issue on the OP system - possible the tip from Markus (to delete the %localappdata%\Temp\Navigraph
folder) will help. We will see but we assist @767737Jockey in any case to solve his issue, that´s for sure
Hi Guys, Good news, deleting the Navigraph folder in Temp cured the issue. The Hub updated the airac for AS to 2409 and AS opened up fine displaying that airac on the Home window. The Temp folder is HUGE. Makes me wonder how much space is being swallowed up needlessly. Whatever was in the Navigraph folder in Temp was the culprit. I only use the built in Windows Defender in my Win 10 installation, so no AV running. Well done for all the support and thanks. I will report this on the HiFi Zendesk. It may help them out too.