Can't print some Charts

Hi all - i can’t print the LOWI Chart 11-4 - i can see the chart on the screen, but after hitting the PRINT-Button, the printer menu does not open at all. Other friends of mine don’t have that problem, but are not able to help me…

Any ideas?


I suggest you start from scratch with latest Charts and Simlink . Please disable any Antivirus and Firewall.

In Simlink Plugin Settings uninstall Simlink plugin from your FS , then completely uninstall Simlink and Charts using Windows Programs and Features exactly as under .

If they exist delete directories
c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Navigraph and c:\Program Files\Navigraph

Then download and install latest Simlink and Charts Desktop using the default prompted locations.

Restart computer.

Please let us know how you get on.


Thanky you very much - that helped and now I can printe these Charts!

Regards, Peter

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Hi Peter,

You are welcome. Glad it is resolved.

Happy flying.


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