Cannot detect flight in your sim


Thanks for send us details about the issue, from your post its look like there are some plugin configuration issue. For fix this please follow below troubleshoot points,

  1. Reinstall Simlink Plugin.
    a. Close all running Simulator.
    b. Open “Simlink Plugin Setting” window.
    c. Uninstall plugin by click on “Uninstal Simlink” button.
    d. Now again click on “Install Simlink” button for reinstall plugin to Simulator.
    c. Please verify Successful message popup or not while installing plugin.
  2. Close running Simlink.
  3. Start Simulator and check Simlink is automatic start or not?
  4. If Simlink not start automatic then please follow below steps,
    a. Close Simlink and X-Plane or any other running Simulator.
    b. Now open Navigraph folder which is located in system APPDATA folder, for open APPDATA folder please follow below steps,
    i. Press Win+R key. (It will open window like,

    ii. Now type %appdata% and press “OK” button.
    iii. After open APPDATA folder, open Navigraph folder.
    iv. Now delete .mapping and .path file which is located at “%APPDATA%\Navigraph\Simlink”. image
    c. Now again reinstall Simlink Plugin follow by #1 troubleshoot point.

Please let us know if you face issue again.


Ahir Vishal D.

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