BIAR missing arrival charts for RWY 19

The Iceland AIP has the following arrivals for BIAR RWY 19

  • ILS or LOC RWY 19
  • RNP X RWY 19
  • RNP Y RWY 19
  • NDB RWY 19

The charts application only shows ILS or LOC RWY 19 and RNP Y RWY 19 but is missing RNP X RWY 19 and NDB RWY 19.

Here is a link to the info in the Iceland AIP

I guess you are using the CAO charts and not the STD charts. Change the chart mode to STD and try it again.

The charts are only available in the standard mode, CAO is only for Cat C-D aircrafts.


I was using CAO charts yes. However changing to STD charts does not make the missing arrivals visible when accessing charts through the webpage, only in the installed app. I’ve tried force reloading the webpage (crtrl-shift-r in Chrome)

Hi again,
so the charts are not missing, but will not shown on your system (Chrome) …

I have tried to reproduce it but I can´t - I have tested it on Firefox and also on Chrome, but the switch works as expected. So, I assume any cache issue in your Chrome:

I have used following steps (from CAO → STD chart mode):

  1. Search → BIRK and open the APP tab

  2. Settings → chart mode to STD

  3. Search → click on the BIRK chart symbol

  4. Result - STD chart list

Possible you have any cache issue in your Chrome, but the switch between STD - CAO - STD works normal. Have you tried the same with ie. Firefox?


As the topic says, my problems are with BIAR charts, not BIRK

Sorry - but the result is the same with BIAR too … also with Chrome.

Because you mentioned it so explicitly … BIKF is working for you? So you can switch CAO and STD with BIKF, without any issue?


Now the missing charts are missing both in Charts desktop app and web version.
Changing between STD and CAO has no effect.

I have this route loaded in my flight

I have recorded a video demonstrating the issue and showing dekstop and web versions side by side, both missing the charts.

(direct link in case preview doesnt work)

Thanks for the video …

The problem is, the flightplan itself. The chart mode is part of the flightplan, so you can change the mode but that doesn’t mean that the charts in the flightplan will be changed too.

Normally, when you plan a flight you know before which category or aircraft you use. So, you must set the chart mode before you plan a flight.


Interesting, thank you.

I would then argue this is “unfortunate” user interface design :slight_smile:
Either you need to have this work as a setting so it changes the behaviour of the chart app or if it really is part of the flight plan, then make it part of the new flight dialog.

Is CAO always a subset of the STD?

In most of the cases yes, the minimas (aircraft category) could be a little bit different. But all in all, when you set the mode to STD you have the best world overview.


Thank you for your assistance.

Lets mark this solved with the solution: Set chart mode in settings to STD or CAO before planning or importing a flight.

It is, under the Options tab. You can set the flight name, cruise altitude, IFR/VFR and STD/CAO. This can be set/changed at any time, not just when creating the flight.



Great thank you! This is the proper solution and answer!

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