Chart don't show all Information

I have installed Version v8.14.0 build 3471711788 on 3 systems. On the one which is running on the SIMcomputer the output is different from the other two.
On Airport LGPZ is on the SimComputer the Tacan ILS 07L available but not on the other two.
I found out that on the SimComputer if I switch in Settings from Chart mode CAO to STD the ILS 07L shows up or disappears.
This switch works not the same way on the other two computers.
All systems have the same Windows Version Operation System.
Any Ideas


Please double check. This Setting is primarily set on the Flight itself, so if you switch there it will change the preferred chart type from Standard to CAO and back.

If you have no flight loaded, then it uses what you have in the main Settings.

With the above, can you make sure you have the same flight loaded, or no flight loaded, in all 3 computers?


Hi Stephan,

thank you for the fast response, but :

  • no flight loaded from simbrief
  • only starting navigraph and search for LGPZ
  • checking settings : CAO is selected : no ILS 07L
  • settings to STD
  • ILS 07L shows up
  • loading the flight from simbrief EDDH to LGPZ
  • selecting charts in the flight switching between STD and CAO the ILS shows up

that means before loading a flight check via Airport the APPs and select the STD in settings := result all APP RWs show up
If I don’t doing it that way and CAO is selected not all available APPs are shown up.
If I select STD after loading the flight the APPs are not complete.

That’s the result of my test

mvh Manfred