Hello everyone!
I know that navigraph doesn’t manage ATC boundary in simulator at all. By the way, is there any possibility to fix it in simulator and also in navigraph database?
please can you explain it in more detail … what do you exactly miss, or what do you exactly expect? Sample cases are in most cases very helpful.
Thank you very much
PS: to be clear - we are speaking from MSFS correct?
Yes we are.
Actually I wanna see actual Sid/star, navaid, routes and also actual ATC boundary. But in this moment we have very old (from fs9 I think) Atc boundary database in simulator, and in navigraph database too
Again please, can you give me an example what you are missing? Which ATC boundary? Which frequency? Not 100% sure what you exactly mean …
It is UNKL FIR. There are 10 sectors of ACC.
Ah thank you, now I have understood the topic - thank you very much.
No, we can´t offer such boundaries - there are no real-data for it available (or at least, they will not be reported to the data provider in a standard format). It seems that such data are not standardized and therefore not easy to generate. Sorry, but thanks for your patience and the examples!
PS: I assume, thats exactly the same reason why ASOBO/MS can´t update these ATC sectors too
Yeah we have reached an understanding! ))) By the way, such information is not a secret, it can be found in AIP (Of Russian Federation e.g.) but yes, this information doesnt have standard format unfottunatly. So the main problem that users unable to fix it for themselves because it is difficulty to code .bgl and so on. If there wiil be for example converter, wich can allowed to chnge such data it will be cool!
Due to the fact that the Beyond ATC topic is becoming popular, this question will arise more often…
The “good” point here is, it´s everywhere not 100% up2date … so all data shows the same and you must really look deep into the AIPs when you need such information, which I guess can be difficult for the whole community. But anyway, perhaps that someone find a way to get and update the data someday. At the moment, we have to live with what we have
Regarding the boundaries of ATC zones, you can pay attention to VATSIM. They definitely have up-to-date data in electronic format. Take a look at the map
worldwide? Do you know the source of theae data?
I think that you should do a collaboration with VATSIM. I believe that they agree to provide this data.
These are handmade (in an own format) sector files, there is no valid, real world data provider behind. Also the data are incomplete in some areas - so not worldwide in the same quality.
So, not very intetessting for us, sorry.
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