Approaches and Waypoints Missing if i install latest of AIRAC 2501 from Navigraph Hub

Waypoints Missing after install of AIRAC from Navigraph Hub

Sorry for long write up.

I have a problem similar to the issue in above link. If i install latest 2025 AIRAC from Navigraph Hub i Find VOBL airport ILS 09L With BIA VOR as IAF and DME arc circle to ILS final disappears but when I uninstalled I find the very specific approach shows up in the MSFS 2020 in planning page.

Similar in India VERC airport if i have installed latest 2025 AIRAC from Navigraph Hub i Find that the MSFS 2020 Flight planning page chart showing nicely RWY 13 VORDME arc as per the official chart as approach shows up when selected in drop down menu but if i uninstall the latest 2025 AIRAC from Navigraph Hub i Find this approach doesn’t show up correctly as per the Latest official published chart of 28th November 2024.

So i am confused whether to install or not install latest 2025 AIRAC from Navigraph Hub because i Find then some approaches show correctly and incorrectly as per official published charts if I install and show approaches show correctly and incorrectly if i uninstall.

Basically the Latest AIRAC is missing lot of approaches and bugs in causing not to show in the SIM. Please Navigraph developers look into the atter ASAP Please.

Also tried the solution given by developer in above link and didn’t work. I am Navigraph Subscriber please help.

Also the nav-data as per latest AIRAC cycle in Navigraph hub is correct/compatible for the aircraft FMS, problem is because of the above said issue unable to use the in game flight planning page and in-game ATC for those effected approaches.

Thanks in Advance.

OK guys After lot of testing in the latest Navigraph AIRAC 2501 rev.2 i get from Navigraph hub i find some ILS approaches are missing and not showing up in MSFS Flight Planning Page nor in ATC Menu which are there even in the default /stock MSFS 2020 Navdata when i uninstall latest AIRAC from Navigraph Hub and restarted the game it shows up in MSFS Flight Planning Page.

As per above paragraph/replies The Following are missing ::

  1. Airport VOMM ILS 07 approach with IAF D271N MMV & IF D12 IMAS & FI07.
  2. VOBL airport ILS 09L With BIA VOR as IAF and DME arc circle to ILS final

I think Navigraph should if only ADD more approaches as per latest charts not remove please answer me about this and previous replies i wonder is anyone even seeing at all??

Can someone answer me is this a bug or not in latest AIRAC and if so will it be fixed and when or how to solve my problem??

Why have the above said approaches in this reply and in my earlier reply disappeared can someone Navigraph understand and fix/add the approach back into Navigraph as they are present in charts as per your Navigraph charts Application 8.37.1

Can someone answer me is this a bug or not in latest AIRAC and if so will it be fixed and when or how to solve my problem??

Asking as i have written/messaged the developers and I got no response. I am a Navigraph Subscriber.

Sorry, it’s not reproduceable.

Here is VOMM ILS07 with the approach transitions:

… and here VOBL ILS09L with the BIA approach transition:

In general, when charts are available, you should also expect the data. So, it´s neither a bug nor an incomplete dataset. It´s something on your end that is not correct. Sorry.


Sir i meant in MSFS 2020 not 2024 you please try with Latest version of MSFS 2020 not 2024. I clearly mentioned 2020 in my write up.

In India internet is too slow for me to enjoy 2024. You may retry in 2020 and get back i got bug even when removing community folder.

i meant in MSFS 2020 not 2024 you may please try with Latest version of MSFS 2020 not 2024. I clearly mentioned 2020 in my write up.
In India internet is too slow for me to enjoy 2024. You may retry in 2020 and get back i got bug even when removing community folder.
Also try send my message in different route like forum dm etc so it reaches did mean to pest SIR.
DR S R Sai Sorry didn’t know the email works to post on the forum directly.

Also Sir i have tried with both default airport textures and third party texture and with and without Navigraph Navdata and then only i got results as mentioned by me in my previous replies, with MSFS 2020 not 2024(couldn’t fly a single flight with 2024 as it crashes a lot so sticking to 2020 only.)

Also my PC specs is i9 10900k with MSI 3090 gaming x trio msiZ490MOBO 165 hz acer predator monitor assembled in Feb 2021 in case it may help you in trouble shooting.

I will check it in MSFS2020 too (sorry, I have overread it) but I’m pretty sure that these approaches are correct.

But again, I will check it and will report it here.


Thanks Sir will wait eagerly.

Sir i have a suggestion when you make a flight plan in msfs 2020 from say VOBL as origin to VOMM as destination (These flights are flown IRL by Air India Express and Indigo Airlines BTW) and if we use DODSI as waypoint and ILS for RWY07 then game should select the D271N and if we choose BUTLA as and same ILS 07 then the gam automatically selects KKP transition as IAF automatically which i see happening in default Navdata and doesn’t in latest Navigraph AIRAC with default scenery and third party scenery the problem is there.

Similarly for example I fly from say VOCB to VOBL (These flights are flown IRL by Air India Express and Indigo Airlines BTW) with say ILS 09L then game logically selects BIA as transition which starts the approach there going across DME arc to D280O and then ILF final but instead i don’t see BIA transition instead i see only a to direct 280O dial and ILS final not the full transition which i see happening in default Navdata and doesn’t in latest Navigraph AIRAC with default scenery and third party scenery the problem is there.

I hope this write up helps to easily understand the problem very specifically.

To clarify - you plan your flights via the WorldMap in MSFS2020; is this correct?

When yes, this is a bug in the WorldMap - you can´t select any transitions (SIDs, STARs, or IAPs), so the sim uses their own logic, independent of which data you are using. This is a limitation in the sim, sorry.

When no, I have tried it in the default/stock A320 neo v2, and also here, I see all approach transitions:

Again, when you mean the flight planning in the WorldMap, please report this to ASOBO/MS - this is not a navdata issue (as you see in the screenshots of the A320 neo v2).

I can´t see any navdata issue/missing waypoints here, I´m sorry.

Thank you very much,


You are correct that the Sim does have its limitations then in that case:

Question 1. Why when i uninstall the latest AIRAC from navigraph hub and boot the sim then the approaches work as usual without issue with default Navdata??

Question 2. More importantly last year November i found the said approaches worked even with Navigraph AIRAC i want to know why??

Note:: Yes FMS of ifly 738 max, pmdg 738 and fenix320 family owned by me are perfect on this and are all able to neatly execute this approach with full approach from navigraph NAV data in FMC of aircraft and also as confirmed and seen in your screenshot. Third party sceneries not affecting it and the issued present even with just Navigraph NAV data alone in community folder. Yes will report to MS/Asobo also. Can answer me my 2 questions please??

Thanks in advance for the quick replies though.Tc cheers.

So, with the stock navdata, are only the approaches with the transitions correct? How about the limitation that you have confirmed? You can’t set the transitions via the WorldMap, so I’m curious how you select the correct transition on the WorldMap?

I’m not sure what you mean by “worked”? Where? On the WorldMap? How? When you can’t select the transition?

Again, the data are included and correct, and I can’t see any missing waypoints or approaches …

I have posted a screenshot showing that the approaches are available in the stock aircraft (in this case, the A320 neo v2). These aircraft use the same data as the WorldMap, but here, the logic works as you see.

So, I can’t see any issue, and I can’t reproduce any missing approaches or waypoints; I’m sorry.


Q2 i mean the game by its own logic did select approaches correctly with in game ATC with your Navigraph data how now its not working. i do agree sim limitation as you said earlier but wanted it to work by earlier experience as i saw in November AIRAC of Navigraph. Ok TC cheers.

I will make video of what i am talking give me an hour or two to do so and you will understand what i am trying to say thanks for your patience. Cheers.

and everyone seeing please see the video and tell me where am i wrong i am also just learning like everyone i also want learn more please see the following video as unlisted on Youtube the link is here::

Be patient if video processing in case and please kindly advise me i am also learning like everyone else and i am alone nobody to discuss this subject here in India so be patient with me and sorry if i am pestering you guys. This upload using my Youtube account BTW

Also can you guys advise best/mostly bug free ATC software addon mod to file flight plan and very realistic until i get confidence for VATSIM which can accept Navigraph/SIMBRIEF Flight plans also.

Thanks in advance

After 30 min video, I´m lost, sorry.

So, can we focus on one approach at one airport? In your initial posting, you mentioned the VERC VORDME 13 approach.

Here is what you see without our data (so using the stock data) in MSFS2020 WorldMap:

… and here with our data installed:

To your second example, VOBL, this scenery is outdated; therefore, not all approaches are available. When you compare the real world with the sim world, you will see that some runways are missing.

Here are the runways in the MSFS2020 scenery:

… and here is the real-world airport diagram:

You see, in MSFS2020, you have only 09L/27R, but in real, you have four runways, 09L/27R and 09R/27L. Also, here, that’s a limitation in MSFS2020 because when scenery is outdated, and the sim can´t assign terminal procedures to the runways (and you see this in the approach list, you find only ILS without any runway)

The stock data only offers the “existing” runways in the stock scenery, and therefore, the coding is more correct there, but again, here are the approaches missing for 09R and 27L.

Please report this to ASOBO/MS - we may not change existing runways (means we can´t change runway idents, nor can we add runways to existing airports in MSFS2020).

Thank you,


Ok so what you say is the sim has limitations in terminal procedures and also the flight planning page itself also has bugs where it uses its own logic to select transitions even though you may select the navaid transition points as part of flight plan is my understanding right??

So basically you are advising not use the ingame flight planner at all because of so many weird bugs??

So basically trying get to use the ingame ATC is beyond redemption??

Can you advise me on good atc addon with which i can file flight plan and use to help transiton me to VATSIM??

Yes will report to asobo/MS. Also you won’t believe even MSFS 2024 i mean 2024 also DOESN’T have the two runways 09R and 27L in VOBL mentioned by you sir check and tell me i played yesturday 2024 and noticed it.

It seems even MS/ASOBO haven’t done their research when they made 2024.

By last 4 to 5 months only i have started playing i am also new to everything and i am learning on the go you may advise me on the above questions i have asked thanks in advance.

There are several external ATC programs for MSFS2024, for example (without prioritization):

  • BeyondATC
  • Pilot2ATC
  • FSHud

I hope that helps


Also all this while i was using world map in sim to plan flights.

Question 1) SO i would like to know is this a known bug that world map does allow us to change transitions??

Question 2) Also asking does world map bugs out with certain types of approaches and transitions especially with third party NAVdata??

Question 3) So i have question the world map and in sim ATC are they linked??

Question 4) Asking if the approach is bugged/not showing up in world map i find ATC in the game also gives same options as in worldmap when trying to request another approach in ATC menu while flying also presents options with same bug??

Question 5) Am i right so basically in game ATC is not workable because above said bugs and so people go to third party ATC solutions/software??

Thanks Sir in advance for patience can you answer me above question in same order i have written so i understand the problems in the game. Sorry for pestering.

Thanks Sir

To 1:
Yes, still day 1 on …

To 2:
Unknown, but I haven’t identifiered any issue in our data excluding the WorldMap limitations.

To 3-5:
I can’t answer this questions, sorry
