I’ve seen dozens of complaints of duplicated runways when using navigraph, some of the complainers even abused scenery developers for not solving the problem, which they can’t by just adjusting their sceneries. I think I know a way to fix it once and for all. Currently, the package order in MSFS2020 is arranged as “locked” for essential default assets, “-400” for other default assets, “-300” for default handcrafted sceneries. In MSFS2024 is bit different but the same logic applies. The navigraph hub default setting is to prioritize navdata-base to 2 and navdata to 3. I think the default priority should be changed and the hub should set the navdata-base to -301 or lower. that can solve all duplicated runway issue. The only problem is that when even the latest third-party scenery doesn’t have the new runway but navigraph has, the runway won’t show up. However I don’t think that’s a big problem since infamous airport like ZULS got a community patch for the new runways immediately after it was opened. Therefore, I think it’s definitely better to change the default priority setting within navigraph hub.
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