ZUUU and ZPPP NO Approach and Departure Data

When I selected these two airports in MCDU, no matter it was Approach or Departure, no corresponding Approach or Departure data appeared after the airport runway was selected.

In addition, I found that ZPPP has data on 2109 rev2. However, ZUUU data is still not included. But when I upgraded my navigation data to 2111 rev.3, both data disappeared.

My programs are all up to date, and the model used is FBW320.
I really need help now, thank you.

in both cases are the stock sceneries out of date and the runways are wrong and/or missing, therefore the sim can´t assign the procedures to the runways. This is a limitation in the sim, we can do anything for that:

ZUUU in the sim:

… and the reality:

ZPPP in the sim:

… and the reality:

We have all terminal-procedures and approaches still included but as I wrote, the sim disable it, whenever a runway can´t be assigned. Sorry, this is a sim limitation.


Ohhh, that’s sad. T T
But thank you so much for your help.

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No problem - yes, it’s sad - it’s from day one and ASOBO/MS still knows this. Sorry.


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