YVR (Vancouver) VOR error on Airway J5 with ProSim737 Navdata (FMS Data Manager app AIRAC 2413)

With real-world route of CYVR-KLAX via YVR J5 FMG … or any other waypoint along J5 starting at YVR, Navigraph navdata for “ProSim737 2.24b1 (and above)” results in “INVALID ENTRY” on the CDU/FMC in the RTE (route) page. Various other applications/systems I use (including Active Sky FS, Simbrief, Sayintensions.AI, and also built-in MSFS2020 aircraft) do not exhibit an issue with the J5 airway starting at YVR. Other real-world routes I enter into the CDU in ProSim737 that do not begin with YVR (such as SEA J5 SUMMA Q9 …) do not exhibit this issue. Therefore, I am thinking there is a problem with Navigraph’s navdata with the J5 airway not including waypoint YVR when exported for ProSim737…

I have looked into the database, and the segments YVR → FMG via the J5 airway are available and correct.

It seems more like a ProSim issue rather than a navdata issue. The J5 airway is split into multiple segments, especially between the Vancouver/Seattle FIR, and ProSim can’t handle this correctly.

I can’t see any issue in the ProSim database. It should be possible, but we have no influence on their data interpretation.


Thank you for looking into this, Richard. I appreciate the prompt response! I intend to raise this issue with ProSim now.

On a related note, perhaps this is fallout from a change I understand your company made to the MFS Data Manager navdata format last year. As I recall, one of the ProSim developers was very chagrined that there was a major change with no notice (to ProSim) from Navigraph. I am not sure of the current status of that issue is as I write this. I do know that late last year there was supposed to be some sort of workaround (which was kludgy). All I know now is ProSim does not properly handle the real-world route in question, and that it is (apparently) a lack of proper handling on their end.



Hi Tim,
Thank you very much. We are not aware of any changes that we have made without informing ProSim, so I don´t know anything about any existing issues. The ProSim database doesn´t contain any tailored records (VHHX, EDDT, gates, …), but it has known ProSim since day one, so it is also not new.

ProSim knows how they can contact us if there are any issues. At the moment, we don´t have any information about any issue (and by the way, I can´t remember that we have ANY report about an airway issue).

Anyway, we don´t have any reports at the moment.


Hi Richard,

Please ref your forum on Prosim’s issue with recent Navrigraph navdata:


Again, I do not know the current status of this issue over at ProSim.

I did not encounter any issues (as far as I know) compiling AIRAC 2413 in ProSim’s database in its System module. The issue ProSim was having with Navigraph data is nebulous to me. I do know with one particular AIRAC cycle (I think it was 2411) whatever build of ProSim/HomeSim I was using produced an error (I think) when building the ProSim database in its system module. Whatever the case, I did not encounter a problem building the database with AIRAC 2413 with a more recent build of ProSim.

Also, fyi, I was able to reproduce the YVR/J5 airway issue (as I originally described) on the software setup of another ProSim user (Scott Menard, who recently purchased a full cockpit from FSC in Italy), on which the manufacturer installed the most recent AIRAC (2413).

Anyway, if it’s not an issue on your end, then it is likely an issue on ProSim’s end. If I get motivated enough to do it, I’ll alert ProSim to the issue. (I really don’t like going through the rigamarole of opening tickets with them, though.)

Kind regards,


As you can read in the posting you referred - the status is: fixed and as I have written before, we don´t have any reports about issues in ProSim.


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