Vox ATC FMS Data

Hi All, could yuo advise re latest news on Vox ATC website " 25 March 2021 VoxATC Specific Navigraph FMS Data Available Navigraph now has a specific FMS download for VoxATC" Any input from you as to how this works? The developer of this is not really responding to any queries.

Hi Charles,

Please download, install and run FMS Data Manager.

You should have Vox ATC detected in Addon list . You then select and press Update .

Please let us know how you get on.


Hi Ian, thank you for your prompt reply. It is not under the ADD on list, I did go to Add On mappings and clicked “Scan” but it did not find it. I then clicked on “Add” and it is listed there in a drop down list. Just not sure where it should be installed to, it gives options Default or User defined folder?

Hi Charles,

I went with the defaults and specified
C:\Program Files\Internal Workings\VoxATC P3D 5
which is where I installed Vox ATC.

Then in VoxATC Advanced Settings I had
C:\Program Files\Internal Workings\VoxATC P3D 5\Navdata
