Hello all,
when trying to select SID/STAR for VIDP, some are missing. I believe the problem is the runway configuration, I do not see 29L/R, but only 29. I have a payware scenery for MSFS2020, where the runways are correctly represented, so this seems an issue with the nav database. Can anyone help?
You wrote that you are using 3rd-party scenery where the runways are correct.
Can you confirm that you have the following runways in your scenery:
These are the runways in real and where we offer the data. Do you have all these runway/runway idents?
When not, the scenery is outdated and not up-to-date, which is usually the reason for missing terminal procedures
Visually I can see all those 4 runways in the scenery, but on the World map of MSFS I do not see them.
However, in a 3rd party SW (Aivlasoft EFB) I see all 4 runways.
And for completeness, on the FBW A320/A380 I cannot see the runways, but on the Fenix all the correct SIDs and STARs are there.
Visually means you see the correct runway idents? Does it mean the number of runways with the correct idents (comparing with my listing above)? Or how should I understood this?
When I am in the plane and fly around the airport, I can see all runways:
However, in the world map, I see only three runways (only 11/29, without L/R).
So that means you see markings 29L and 29R on the threshold of both runways in your scenery (when you sit in the a/c), right? But you don´t see it in the WorldMap?
Thank you very much,
PS: What 3rd party scenery are you using here?
That’s correct, yes. I am using the Feelthere scenery.