We shall do thorough beta testing internally and then with our beta testers, likely in waves.
Already it looks good, but it will take an unknown time to take on board beta feedback, before release.
Will this be something similar to how SkyDemon manages their own VFR display? And hopefully you guys will be displaying a decent amount of VFR information and not as little as Foreflight do across Europe?
N.B. Below is not representative of the quality of information available in Sky Demon across Europe, especially in the UK but it’s the only screenshots I had to hand
We are not able to share any screenshots just yet, but looking at the ones you have shared I am pretty confident that our new product will match your expectations in both US and Europe.
Hi Stephen,
Are you able to share some screenshots now?
My SkyDemon sub is up for renewal and I would love to be able to choose a Navigraph sub this time instead for all of my VFR needs!
I am another user who is hanging out for the VFR charts, but after reading all the comments here there seems a lot of hurry up and release it. A big thing that has been missed is that early on Stephen said that this is a complete rewrite of their products. This is not a small undertaking and also not a cheap one. I back the team in taking there time in releasing this. It will be a better experience for us all to have products that are fully tested and bugs fixed. Look up ‘Development Triangle’ and pick two. By not committing this gives flexibility in delivering a first class product.
Your questions sounds like a real life pilot that want to use Navigraph for real life navigation. Why would you want airport fuel availability in a simulator?
Mostly because I want to make certain I don’t get egg on my face online by doing something like landing a Gulfstream at an airport where it clearly doesn’t belong.
Basically, it’s an extra challenge to see if I know how to plan a flight properly in a business jet. It’s a bit of an extra reward if you know how to do it just like the real thing.
And yes, I’m a real pilot, and I have to check details like that before I fly. I know very well not to use Flight sim nav data for real world flying, but to not check for things like fuel availability or runway PCNs when going to smaller airfields on flight sim makes my flight planning feel anorexic, even if it’s just flight sim and there are no ramifications of landing with minimum fuel at an airport with no fuel service availability.
Would be really nice to add the option of auto switching chart to the taxi chart after landing. Foreflight does this when it registers you slowing down on a runway, and automatically shows you the appropriate ground layout. In the phase immediately after landing, this makes orientation after or even when vacating the runway nice and easy, while being busy with spoilers, flaps lights and ATC. One less button to push, less item to switch.