Version 8 not compatible

version Android 11 RKQ1.211001.001
Google play
message application not compatible

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My version Android 12 SKQ1.210908.001 Redmi Note 10 Pro
Google play - message application not compatible

Hi guys! This should have been more clear, but at the moment - no phone-sized devices are supported. Only tablets. That means iPads on the iOS side and tablet-sized devices on Android.

Sorry for the inconvenience! We’re working on bringing the app to smaller devices as well.

Kind Regards,

OK. Thx for reply, im waiting :slight_smile:

Please confirm the tablet resolution/size supported. I’m having display issues on my 8" Lenovo. No one has responded to my “portrait” mode post. I hope Portrait mode will also be supported at my 8" tablet size!

Android is a bit tricky since there is not as clear definitions between tablet and phone as on iOS. But likely anything below ~9" is not ideal at this moment.

Could you please post screenshots of your display issues and we’ll see if it is expected or not at this point.



Thanks for following up. This is a Lenovo TB-850SF, 8" tablet with 1280x800 resolution running Android 11.

Here are a couple screen shots

Menu items and pins cut off and move around. Also hard to get approach plates full screen in portrait mode.
Landscape mode is working on this tablet, but unusable for me as plates are just too small. I was really liking how Ver 7 worked on this tablet in Portrait mode. I know you’ve added great stuff!! Hoping you can get your display stuff sorted for “smaller” tablets and phones. This should be possible and desired by many of your customers. Thanks!


Yes that size is indeed not supported right now. It will be soon though. Sorry for that.



OK, I know you are trying to do LOTS of stuff for lots of people! PLEASE make sure you clarify what resolutions and display modes are supported. Again, you say “that size is not supported,” BUT it works in Landscape, just not Portrait. Thanks again, and the new stuff is FANTASTIC! (using my iPad for now)

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