UTC Time Zone Incorrect

Hello, I live in Texas, It is currently 2:34 on this screenshot that I took, yet on my simbreif it shows that it’s 19:34. It’s like this on my desktop PC and on my iPhone (I took the Screenshot on my phone). How do I fix this and is there even a way to fix this issue?

UTC is Universal Coordinated Time and is the same all over the world. It is NOT local time.



Oh okay, could this be changed in the future, because when I make my flight, I have to make it based off of that time and it’s really inconvenient in my opinion


Flight planning and flying in general is done in Universal Coordinated Time (sometimes referred to as Zulu Time) deliberately to avoid the issues of different time zones. Most aircraft have cockpit clocks set to UTC. Try looking at a panel clock in your flight sim with the flight sim time set to real time.

You might like to add UTC to your Windows Clock (bottom right of screen) so you have UTC ready and can see how UTC compares to your local time.

In SimBrief you can vary the EOBT (Estimated Off-Block Time), but it needs to be entered in UTC/Zulu time.


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