User waypoint - no save - no export - Departure Arrival enabled

Hi. Im a helicopter pilot trying to use Navigraph charts for flightplanning.

Im using user wp for marking heliports and vfr wp. I cant save or export the flightplan because i have not choosen a departure and arrival.

So i would be very nice, to mark a user wp as an “airport” which then could be used in the departure/arrival section of the flightplanning.

Best regards

Hello! Welcome to our forum and sorry for the delayed answer - this post went under our radar!

What format are you trying to export? The MSFS PLN format requires airport identifiers for both the origin and destination to work - we can’t provide coordinates (such as user waypoints) in this case. You can see the full specification for this file here:

This means that your flightplan will need to have both an origin and a destination airport specified. They can be the same though!

Kind Regards,