I just installed AIRAC for MSFS20 and it says it is on version 2102 rev 2. How do you update to the latest version?
Two different things… did you update via navigraph (via the beta installer) or just via MSFS?
If you mean the Navigraph Navdata (Beta) installer, make sure it is latest V 1.0.0-beta.23. Then click Remove , then Install. You should end up with:
2 posts were split to a new topic: KORD STAR’s MSFS
I figured it out. You have to click remove and then you get the updated version. I think Navigraph really needs to add that instruction on the installer page. Thanks all
Yes, see also FAQ - How to update the AIRAC files (new cycle or new revision) and FAQ - How to install/update the Navigraph Navdata Installer.
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