Unstable map in G1000

When I load the IFR/VFR Charts from Navigraph I see this (see movie).
How to solve?

Hello! Welcome to our forum!

Does the situation improve if you install this package instead? Please delete the currently installed avionics plugin first, then extract the contents of this zip file in your community folder:

navigraph-avionics-g1000.zip (235.1 KB)

Kind Regards,

the problem has not been solved. See photo.

Hmm, this screenshot does not show anything that Navigraph has built except the now-enabled “Charts” button in the lower right. Is this green stuff a new issue, and does it disappear if you uninstall our plugin?

Has the situation improved on the “IFR/VFR Charts” page, which you referenced in your first post?

After uninstall, I see this

As you can see by the greyed-out Charts button, our plugin has not been mounted and can’t possibly be the reason for what you are seeing.

Instead, what you see there is realistic and built into the avionics provided by the simulator! If I recall correctly, that symbol means it has your position but not enough information to show your heading. It should change back to an aircraft icon as systems are fully initialized and you take flight.

Here’s what the Navigation map looks like for me with the new version of the plugin installed:

And there is the IFR/VFR Charts page:

I found another issue, though. Here is an updated file:

navigraph-avionics-g1000.zip (313.0 KB)

Thank you for this version. I now have a stable map, so problem solved. :+1:

I am happy to hear it! We shall release an updated version in the Navigraph Hub soon, which will contain these fixes!

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