IFR/VFR Charts unavailable

Recently the IFR/VFR MAP does not display on the G1000 MFD.
When rolling FMS knob (right) down, the choices are MAP-IFR/VFR CHARTS-TRAFFIC-WEATHER
The Navigraph IFR/VFR chart does not display.
Plug-in Version 1.4.0

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Hello! Thanks for posting!

Are you having this issue in all G1000-equipped aircraft, or any in particular?

Kind Regards,

EverY one, with the exception of the FSReborn M500–there I get a flashing screen on the IFR/VFR selection on the MFD.

Please try the latest update!

Kind Regards,

Malte–for some reason, Navi hub is not showing an update. This was the issue last week. Maybe the problem is also laying there?

That is weird indeed, but I can’t reproduce this issue. Could you try doing the same thing as before?

I was able to update Navi Hub and install the G1000 plug-in. It worked fine for the majority of the planes using it with the exception of the FSReborn M500 which wanted me to log back in to access charts on the MFD.

After going through the web page and authorizing, I got flashing screen(s) on the IFR/VFR map page and also if I tried to select Charts on the MFD.

Upon reboot, charts and maps work across all aircraft.
However, I have a feeling this is going to be a recurring problem. :thinking:

To recap:

IFR/VFR map does not work on G1000 MFD in all aircraft
Navi Hub does not show update
Remove/reinstall G1000 plug-in
Partial fix some of the time for most a/c
(or) Navi Hub eventually shows an update which–
Partial fix for most aircraft --or–requires a reboot for all G1000 to display correctly.

I am not sure what is causing the update to not show up for you, but I have not been able to reproduce it myself. Perhaps it could be a permission problem with your community folder, but I can’t say for sure :man_shrugging:

This can be explained by a small change in authentication parameters that we have added to be able to increase our security.

Not sure about this one, the only case where I have seen this before is when the time is out of sync, meaning that the map is constantly having to re-authenticate you leading to flashes. If it keeps showing up, please create a new topic!

That what is? I am not able to reproduce any of the issues you have reported except for the one in the original post. The update not showing is not related to the avionics, and if it keeps happening then please create a topic in Navigraph Hub (previously Navdata Center) ! :raised_hands:

Kind Regards,

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