Unable to login

Hi all,

I’m unable to login from my phone (Android), using the Charts app, version 8.24.0. The computer version works without any issues.

Upon opening the app, I get prompted to login and follow the link which brings me to the Navigraph login page, but neither the ‘‘enter’’ button on my keyboard or the big red “Sign in” button seem to work. Nothing happens.

I had encountered the issue before, but managed to resolve it by opening the page with the browser’s (Firefox, up to date as well) computer mode. But this doesn’t work anymore, although all the other commands on the page (such as forgotten password) work without issues…

Any ideas as to what may be going on ?

Thanks in advance


Which browser is default on your Android device?

Kind regards,


Hi Stephen, Firefox is my default browser. I admit that I didn’t try with another one.

By the way, the issue seems to be fixed, I just managed to login as we speak.

Still encountering the issue with the “Sign in” button not responding unless under computer mode though.