Je suis nouveau et je sollicite votre aide :
impossible de télécharger les STAR sur ATR 72 de F1 ALORS QUE je n’ai aucun souci pour ATR CARENADO.
Pouvez vous m’aider ?
Je suis nouveau et je sollicite votre aide :
impossible de télécharger les STAR sur ATR 72 de F1 ALORS QUE je n’ai aucun souci pour ATR CARENADO.
Pouvez vous m’aider ?
J’ai oublié de dire que je suis sur W 10 et sur FSX PRO.
Merci à vous
Hi Bayoub! Welcome to the new forum.
Please provide us with more details. Are you seeing a reference to the latest AIRAC (2013) on the IDENT page in the FMC?
If you don’t. please make sure that you have done the following:
Also see these posts for further reference: FAQ - Nav Data Out Of Date , FAQ - Navigraph updates for FS9, FSX and P3D
Best Regards,
Vous trouverez ci joint les fichiers Navdata de F 1 ATR où il n’y a aucune star ou approches pour les aéroports algériens qui en possèdent (ex :DAAE, DAAG…) alors que pour LFKB, DTNH…etc les données existent.
Pareil pour Carenado ATR les stars et les approches existent. pour tous les aérodromes y compris algériens donc il n’y aucune raison de mettre en cause Jeppesen.
Enfin pour comparaison vous trouverez SID/STAR de PMDG où toutes les stars et approches y figurent.
Merci pour avancer sur ce pb
I am sorry, but I’m unable to find any attached files. Please confirm that you have uploaded them correctly (the file upload limit on this forum was increased today).
Also, please confirm that you have completed all the steps mentioned in the previous post. I would still be interested in what cycle your FMC IDENT page is reporting. Please see the image below for reference. The image is from and is quite old, but NAV DATA should now report 2013 if everything is installed correctly!
LMML is but without approach procedures like on Carenado ATR 72
Regardez le dossier Navdata de F1 (STAR) et vous verrez tous les manques d’information : inimaginable.
Please post in English as per Posting Guide - English Language Forum. Then others can read and benefit from information in the topic also.
I have installed Flight One ATR 72-500 and updated to AIRAC 2013.
First our database does not have SID/STAR’s for DAAE nor STAR’s for DAAG nor STAR’s for LMML, so they dont appear in MCDU. If you feel this is incorrect, please post link to AIP’s showing them.
For DAAG SID’s from MCDU I see:
and so on…
These seem in accordance with our Charts Departures for DAAG ?
no pb for sid;
however for star you can firstly compare with Navdata PMDG or CARENADO ATR and secondly you find all information on AIP ALGERIE.
there are no STARs in PMDG also … Please post a screenshot of the STARs in the PMDG FMC. Also, please give us a reference link to the missing STARs @DAAG because I can´t find anything in the AIP ALGERIE
Thank you,
1- Carenado star / NO APPR /MANY CHOOSES
2- F 1 STAR/? APPR/Nothing just rwy
3- pmdg same than Carenado
Thks for listen me.
Ok, we are switching to DAAE …
DAAE has no SIDs and no STARs, also in the real-world, according the AIP - no SIDs, no STARs … only approaches available.
So Carenado and PMDG are correct in your screenshots because they support approaches … the Flight1 ATR doesn´t support any kind of approaches (on none airports) - only SIDs and only STARs, therefore you see only the runways.
OK thanks for your help and your listening.
I soonly do yr recommandations.
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