Hi i had a subscription to navigraph but it ended and i never renewed because my airac was still new so didnt need to carry on with the subscription. However a couple months later i buy a new computer and reinstall xplane new with no mods from my old computer and then try to install a new airac but cant install the one that i had before. My question is do i need to buy a new subscription or can i somehow get the airac i had when i was subscribed from my old computer to my new computer.
Hi Amir,
You could try copying navdata from your old computer but it is tedious and error prone, and you end up with old data.
I suggest you take a Monthly Ultimate subscription (unsubscribe within the month if you wish) and you can then install all the latest AIRAC to all of your FS and addons automatically onto your new computer with least fuss.
I suggest you take this out after Thursday this week when AIRAC 2102 releases.
Hi Ian,
Thanks mate probably will subscribe again as i dont see any other working solution
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