Toliss A320neo

Just purchased the Toliis A320neo and I can,t see a profile in simbrief , which one should I use.
also how do I up/download the flight plan , nothing happens when i press the init reqest link (thats using the A320 200 profile at the moment)
not had any problems with the ZZIBO Mod


@Rodeo314 has graciously posted a variety of airframes you can use here:

Simply follow the instructions in that thread to use them.

To import flight plans into the MCDU, I’m not familiar with how they’ve implemented this in the ToLiSS. Maybe someone here knows how it works, or you could check their documentation or support forum perhaps.

Best regards,

In the Toliss open the ISCS screen

In SOUND/ADDON ACCOUNTS enter you SimBrief Pilot ID. Then press SAVE THSE SETTINGS

You should be able to load the flight plan using INIT/INIT REQUEST*. Otherwise use SEC F-PLN

Also see Toliss A320 Blog


Thank you for you reply, The link you posted listed the profile for the Airbus A320-271N.

Thank you for your reply, I had entered the Simbrief ID, However I’ve got it working now , when I started a flight plan after entering the FROM/TO airports then going straight to ITIT Request it worked,
Thanks again for your response