TAXI on moving map still lagging in new update

After further taxiing around for 10 mins, both moving map arrow lags, chart 8 do practically lags more as Stephen mentioned the tip of arrow becomes center of plane, if there is no way to enhance the refresh rate below 1sec to really improve lag, please may I suggest to make the arrow tip back to tip of plane like old version, that at least minimize the effect quite a bit.

this video showing the last 3 turns I was following the chart 8 arrow for a turn, it all ends up very late, i admit we have to better anticipate a turn, in a complex airport it becomes harder and missed turns happen and ATC shouts " what are you doing:?"


Thank you for the additional feedback and video. I think it is pretty clear that the difference between Charts 7 and 8 (beta) is the positioning of the moving maps symbol, as mentioned. You can verify this by looking at the rotation of the icon during turns, it happens at the same time, meaning there is no additional lag in Charts 8.

We think the depiction in Charts 8 is better and also corresponds to other moving maps systems (generally also car GPSes). In the sense that the symbol isn’t visually obscuring the immediate vicinity of the aircraft, and also the position of the aircraft is explicit (the tip is clearer than somewhere underneath the symbol).

But we will consider adding this as an option in Settings, to either have the aircraft position in the center or the tip of the symbol.

Kind regards,


I respect your conclusion although not totally agreed, I strongly support the idea to have the option you suggested, that definitely minimize the lag visually and hope it will be available soon, thank you.

I am already happy that the team consider to do something about it.


Please check the new version released today (should be available automatically when you launch the panel the next time):

Kind regards,



Thank you for this improvement.
Where can I find the release notes of the updates.
Thank you in advance.

PS: nice work and also thumbs up for the new SimBrief!!



The changelog can be found here: Charts Changelog



Your action and providing tip/center option is excellent. thank you for listening and make navigraph better and better.