STAR Assignment Inconsistent with Runway Aasignment

This morning, I used Simbrief Dispatch to create a route from KIAH to KATL. It assigned me the GNDLF2 Arrival and landing runway 26R. The landing runway was correct based on the wind. What puzzled me is that the chart for GNDLF2 says it is for use when landing east and if landing west, file and expect the HOBTT RNAV arrival. So I’m curious at to whether this was a bad assignment by Simbrief dispatch, or if it was assigned this way for a real world reason I’m unaware of.

The reason is the navdata simply doesn’t have the runway configuration associated with the STAR (happens at many US airports in particular).

So even though GNDLF2 is marked as in use for east landings on the chart, in the navdata it’s compatible with all runways. This is not limited to Navigraph data either, AFAIK it’s also coded the same way in the FAACIFP file you can get from the FAA.

