I’ve followed all the steps for download, but when I open up MSFS, and open the EFB ‘other apps’ section, it doesn’t appear. This ISN’T a case of the thing wont load, the button doesn’t appear at all. Do I have to unzip the file?
Hello! Welcome to our forum!
Yes, you need to unzip the file.
Kind Regards,
Thank you, I’ll ask for advice if that doesn’t work
Is it extracting? If not, what is it
To unzip, do I press Extract all?
Sounds likely! Whatever you do, you should end up with a folder called navigraph-simbrief-dispatch-2020
. Directly inside it, you should find a layout.json
and a manifest.json
(along with a bunch of folders).
That folder (navigraph-simbrief-dispatch-2020
) is what should go in the community folder!
I have a folder called Navigraph-efb-simbriefapp-latest
Ive extracted them and got that
Sorry, I mixed up the EFB app and the in-game panel for MSFS2020.
You should end up with a folder called navigraph-efb-simbriefapp
. If you used “Extract all” in windows, it is possible that you will find this folder inside the one you mentioned (Navigraph-efb-simbriefapp-latest
thank you, Ill see if it works.
It has not worked, Button still not appearing
Please send a screenshot of the contents of the folder that you put in the community folder.
It should be Community > navigraph-efb-simbriefapp
I am not sure what that screenshot is showing honestly
Is that really your community folder? Why is it all lowercase? How did you find it? Based on this screenshot, that does definitely not seem like the right place. Are you certain that this is your community folder?
The location of the community folder is different depending on if you have the Steam or MS store version. Which one do you have?
Have you moved the community folder yourself?
It was the only one that had both the name community and was related to MSFS when I searched
I see. It is not the correct folder.
Where did you buy MSFS?
Please see this link: Where is the MSFS 2024 community Folder? - #14 by SeedyL3205 - Install, Performance & Graphics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
A post was split to a new topic: SImBrief Dispatch for Non subscriber