Shut Off Demo mode

Get out of demo mode I have a yearly subscription need help please.

first of all welcome. You have a FMS Data subscription, which doesn’t (according our webpage) contain the charts but you can upgrade to Ultimate every time.

Only with Ultimate (monthly or yearly) you have fully access to the charts.


I can do this through account right EUR 89.88.

The price can be a little bit different, depending on the VAT of your country. I´m Austrian therefore this price - but when you go to this page, you will see the price of your country:

Hope that helps,

Bonjour je souhaite connecter le flypad A320nx FBW à Navigraph pour accéder aux cartes. J’ai un abonnement Ultimate la connexion se fait automatique sur MSFS 2020 mais sur le flypad je suis en DEMO comment fait on. Merci

in english please … thank you!


Hello, I want to connect the A320nx FBW flypad to Navigraph to access the maps. I have an Ultimate subscription the connection is automatic on MSFS 2020 but on the flypad I am in DEMO how do you do it. Thank you

Hello, I want to connect the A320nx FBW flypad to Navigraph to access the maps. I have an Ultimate subscription the connection is automatic on MSFS 2020 but on the flypad I am in DEMO how do you do it. Thank you

thank you … when you open the cloud-charts (not in the sim) - does this work?
Navigraph Airport Charts (cloud)

… also, have you really logged in with your account (filou001) on the FBW EFB?

PS: I have seen you´re on … can you test this somewhere else (ie. via a mobile connection or with any other connection than this ISP) because we know, that this ISP has a few connection issue to the AWS. There are a lot of reports here and all ended with the ISP


yes cloud charts work
I don’t have a QR code displayed on the flypad screen to authenticate myself otherwise I don’t see how to proceed