We are a Flightsimulation Group in Germany and we have an own Server and fly with MSFS2020, connect with SWIFT and controlle with Euroscope.
Is there any Way to connect to our Server? Ist there any Config File we can use? It is one line http:\serverxxxx ()sorry, i cannot post here.
That was very great fore our Community. We have different Groups where daily flight with 10-20 Persons.
sincerly Wilfried Fabian from FSC-ev.de
I can only support Wiffi. We do a lot of group flying on our club server and would love to see the members on the Navigraph charts. The control positions via Euroscope are not so important.
Another tool, Little Navmap, also makes it possible for us to make either Vatsim or our own server visible for the club flights.
It would be better if Navigraph showed pilots who were using Navigraph. I use Say Intewntions for ATC, I am sure they would make their pilots available. They do have their own flight map.