Shorten: allow entering TORA instead; intersections

I see you can shorten the runway by a specific amount. When looking at charts, they don’t typically specify a length reduction so much as a TORA for a given intersection; while the math involved (full TORA - intersection TORA) is not particularly difficult, it would be more convenient to be able to specify the TORA directly (and reduce the risk of accidental subtraction mistake) :slight_smile:

Also, I imagine Navigraph may already have data relative to common/official intersection departures at major airports, so eventually it would be nice to be able to select an intersection directly.




100% Agree with this. Entering TORA is far more convenient (and realistic) than subtraction and less error-prone.

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Hi, will look into this once the dust settles a bit.



Also, I was just thinking, it might be useful in a sim context to be able to indicate a TORA higher than specified in simBrief’s data, either to simulate takeoff from an airport not in simBrief’s database, or for scenery mismatches (e.g. taking off from an old KSMO before the runway was shortened), that sort of thing.




I would love to see this, the current shortening box is a bit baffling to me as next to nobody actually uses that number and it isn’t readily available. I believe one of the only places it’s used is the airbus mcdu TO Shift, but I can’t think of any others off the top of my head.

Perhaps the shorten box can just be made a TORA box, auto populated with the data it’s already using, but we can just enter our own from the 10-9/20-9, then it can output the TO Shift value. Bonus, if it can be done with automation, have a dropdown of intersections and their respective TORAs. I imagine that might be a bit tricky, but with the help of community contributions, it could get populated quite fast.

Im sure they have the runway intesection lengths. Cant be able to see them no including those

Just saw the update, nice :slight_smile:



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