At last. :)

God bless you. At last we can see other aircraft and ATC online. :slight_smile:


Thank you for your kind words and support. Yes it has been long time in the making but finally it has arrived!



Hi Stephen, first of all, congrats to that gerat feature. It is something, I really have been waiting for, as I solely fly on either of the two networks.

Just one tiny idea: Would it be possible to include the decent-path in approach chart as well, that is to show the current position not only in the map of the approcah, but also indicate the altitude in the glideslope path section of the approach charts? Do you know, what I mean? A similar feature was available in the old flight sim comander, if I am not misaken and that would be nice to see it again.

Cheers for your considerations,

regards, Bernd

Hello! Thanks for the feedback!

This sounds similar to Vertical profiles, but with a focus on the airport charts themselves. This is a much larger challenge, but we’d be happy if you created a wishlist topic for it regardless so that others can vote for it to show their support!

Please create a new topic containing your idea in Wishlist !

Kind Regards,

Hi Malte,

thanks for your thoughts and for guiding me towards the wishlist. Upon paging through it, I found exactly the same request called "Show aircraft on approach charts glidepath view (like Aivlasoft’s EFB v2)"

So, I voted for that one, hoping that it will become realised at some stage.

best regards and keep up the excellent work


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