Hi there’
I am interested to intercept desire radial/DME from Departure
Based on my info, there is no feature yet.
Woukd you confirm or add this feature.

Also, do you have distance or azimuth ruler as a tool’s that measure point to point distance/ radials.


Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a distance/directional measurement tool yet for Navigraph although it has been requested multiple times over the past few years.
If that was available, then you could define a user waypoint at the appropriate DME/radial intercept location and enter that waypoint into your flight plan.

Hello! Thanks for posting.

Would this wishlist item cover your use-case? If so, please vote for it to bring more attention to this feature!

Kind Regards,

Thanks, just by try and error mothod , could find desire radial/DME and pointed the route path.

Actually, it work’s but not very accurately.
Thanks anyway

Cheers Omid